Pension Application of Michael Barnett W2051
Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
State of Tennessee }
Jefferson County } SS.
On this 10 day of December AD 1833 personally appeared in Open Court, before
our Court of Pleas and quarter sessions, being a Court of record, and having the power of fine and
imprisonment, and so constituted, by the laws of the State, Michael Barnett, a resident of the County and
State aforesaid, aged seventy one years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on his Oath,
make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provission, made by the act of
Congress passed June 7
That he enlisted in the Army of the United States in Augusta County in the State of Virginia in the year
1779 as well as he now reccollects – his memory having become verry short – by Captain Patterson for
eighteen months. He was then ordered to Cumberland Court House in the State of Virginia. he was then
placed in Captain Kilpatricks Company – was commanded by Major Estridge and Colonel Hause, under
whom he served thirteen months. There was then an opportunity given to all the eighteen months men,
who were in Service to enlist for three years or during the war This declarant again enlisted for three
years or during the war – was enlisted by Captain Drew, was then marched to the Winchester Barracks –
was commanded at that place by General Mheulenburgh [sic: Peter Muhlenberg] where he was stationed
for some months, thence he was marched to Pointe Fork [sic: Point of Fork at the confluence of James and
Rivanna rivers], where he was stationed and kept in Service, untill peace was established – it being three
years from the date of his last enlistment, and was then discharged from Service, he received a discharge
which has been lost
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or an annuity, except the present, and he
declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state
Michael hisXmark Barnett
NOTE: On 1 March 1853 Esther Barnett, about 65, applied for a pension stating that as Esther Daniel she
married Michael Barnett in April 1817, and he died 24 March 1852. On another application dated 7 June
1853 her age is given as about 67, and on an application for bounty land dated 18 May 1855 her age is
given as 70. The file includes a copy of a bond signed in Jefferson County on 15 Apr 1817 by Michael
Barnett and John McClannahan for the marriage of Barnett to Esther Daniel.
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